Monday, July 31, 2017

An American Retard

A dreamer of the 50s, a prospector of business, an ugly son of a greedy bitch. America was introduced to the Donald many years ago when he was known to bang Barbie broads and go bankrupt, only to bounce back with more cash flow and ambition for floppy, aging wannabe Hulk Hogan hair. For a long time, we viewed this individual as a man with a lot of money flowing in from cringe-worthy investments and ludicrous shows where his infamous catchphrase was adopted from. But now this said phrase has entered the White House, where he's hellbent on using executive orders and criticism to get through the media's attention and his dying confidence of a white man in this country taking advantage of the disadvantages. Now he's used to being bashed from half the country to the point where he just raises his chin and barks back, like a depressed child overcoming the barriers of society, but in an extremely negative way. He's made fun of minorities and disabled people, pushed for the U.S.-Mexico wall to be developed, threatened to end Obamacare, and so many fucking others that it gets tiring - and it hasn't been a year yet into his presidency.
Do you feel proud, America? Do you feel proud to follow in the leadership of an American retard? A man who bleeds hate and fakes a smile in front of foreigners and his fellow citizens, as he continues to come up with idiotic solutions to heartbreaking problems that stem in this country? A man that turns away other people in need of shelter and love from a country in great distress? A man who hates his wife to the point where she clearly doesn't want to be seen in public with him? A man who said that life wasn't easy for him, even after a "small loan" of a million dollars? A man who looks like an obese chicken dipped in Cheetos? Do you feel proud, America?
Every week it seems to be something else stemming from this troubling presidency, whether it be criticism of his actions, plans for a wall and other dull deeds, ranks of his reign of terror, and attention-grabbing press as the media continues to follow him as he rains horror onto the tainted soils of this country. It's a never-ending nightmare for us intelligent Americans who know the pros and cons of choosing between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. But I still can't comprehend how it all came down to this cocky creature, fueled with avarice and power and no compassion and consideration for the general public. It was moronic to say the least when it was first announced he would run for office. Then it didn't stop, even after the sexist and racist attitudes, bashing against the foreign countries and disabled, and his unconventional ways to speak to us by tweeting like an overdramatic cunt in high school. He likes to point the finger with all caps on, while also acting like a good patriot in times of remembrance and prayers to past and present tragedies - something a high school cunt would do in order to get attention. Donald Dump's fantasy consists of a white America equipped with all the privileged attributes one could think of: from grabbing girls by the pussy with no consequence, to being a hypocrite on a well-known basis, to overall bans to anyone not white, and for old men to not have wigs but Cheeto-infested silky hair to represent their high well-deserved levels of prestige. And of course, complete reduction of care for human rights and absolute disregard for all women. Donald's Dumpland, his dream that would be made possible by the branches and simpleminded supporters who continue to blindly follow in his leadership, in hopes of a great America.
Do you feel great, America? Do you?