Friday, September 2, 2022

Apologies to My Blog


A lot has shifted in the past few months, that I tend to forget that I have this blog. It's a shameful thing to think, too. For so long I used this blog to stretch my skills and build a portfolio. Back then I didn't have any credentials, and almost no freelancing gig is going to provide a position to a kid who just writes here and there. So, I kept writing short stories and applying like mad hell until I landed something.

It wouldn't be until just last year when I applied for The Nerd Stash. I had enough SEO experience to feel confident about this one, and it was a worthwhile effort. Within a week, I had published a few articles as a test run before Jeremy, the editor-in-chief, decided to officially bring me on board.

Before I knew it, I was reviewing games and composing news articles that would get published on the same day that I submitted them. Now I almost do it daily, with an additional position at Guide Fall to keep myself busy. I write everyday about video games, and that certainly does put a smile on my face.

I somehow managed to blend my hobbies with my growing career - I never thought that'd be possible. I always wanted to design video games, but I don't possess the artistic sleight of hand to make a creature spring to life. Once, I dreamt of becoming an astronaut, but the idea of being in the vast vacuum of space is a terrifying concept to me; I see myself shitting my suit...and you only get one suit while you float amid planet Earth. Of course, when I was young, I really wanted to be a Jedi. It is possible, but I'll save myself the embarrassment. At least lightsabers are becoming a reality.

As aforesaid, I do write everyday, and it's almost always pertaining to video gaming. They're news pieces, listicles, guides, reviews, anything you can think of when it comes to the industry.


More than a year after I updated this post, a lot has developed. I won't get into too many details but essentially: I still write for TNS and GF - so I'm technically a full-time writer during the week; couple of hospital visits conflict with my nonsense (as I currently type with an itchy splint); starting to collect some vinyl records, etc. 

However, that being said, I miss committing my time to just composing onto this blog. I've encountered so many intriguing folks that I'm proud to have had made into characters who walk along Desolation Row. I'll never forget about the moment I wanted to start this blog like it was yesterday...some guy on the Blue Line looks to me while I'm listening to music via ear buds, tells me to take them off, then says:

"I gotta lay this on someone, and I can’t keep this bottled up. I’m headed to the casino right now to do something illegal, but it kind of isn’t really illegal; I’ve done it before and nothing has happened. I just needed to tell someone that, because I’m gonna kill myself if I don’t tell anyone. Okay? Thank you. Don’t tell anyone. Thank you.”

Of course, I proceeded to return to my buds after he went back to his psychopathic world. But little did I know, that interaction would inspire me to write about people, but just change their name while rearranging their faces. 

I think I'm ready to publish this post now. I honestly don't know why I neglected the first half of this writing. I know writing elsewhere has something to do with it, but even now I still type, and I'm still having a blast experimenting with my wordplay.

Be excellent to each other.


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